‘Be Prepared’

Spiritual leaders can help tackle PTSD concern

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a gripping concern for our nation’s veterans. For me personally, belief in God is what gave me victory over PTSD.

VFW National Chaplain JenkinsPrior to my encounter with God I tried dealing with my PTSD by drinking heavily. I know that belief in God is not the cure-all for PTSD, but it can help.

Much has been written about PTSD therapies such as with dogs, horses, dancing, artistic painting and mental counseling. I discount none of these as they have helped countless numbers of individuals.  

However, I contend that faith in God can aid in these processes to give complete healing. God wants our devotion to Him. He wants us to trust in Him, to follow His instruction and as we do, He will guide us through the day.

 If you need help – regardless of your faith, belief or unbelief – I encourage you to seek out your VFW Post chaplain, a pastor, priest or rabbi for help and guidance.   

These spiritual leaders are there to help you regardless of what you believe or do not believe and will keep your information confidential.   

 I encourage Post and Auxiliary Chaplains to know the resources in your communities who you can refer your members and or family members to for help if you are unable to provide such help. 

Resources may be a church or synagogue of their faith, a place for mental or physical health or a meeting with a VFW Service Officer. Or perhaps it’s a referral to a local food pantry or ideas on where to go for help with one of the above-mentioned therapies. 

Just be prepared to offer whatever help you can. Together we can end the stigma associated with PTSD.

Editor’s Note: This article is courtesy of VFW National Chaplain Jim Jenkins, and is featured in the January/February 2020 issue of VFW Checkpoint. If you're a Post, District or Department Commander and aren't receiving the Checkpoint e-newsletter, please contact the VFW magazine at magazine@vfw.org


