Helping Others is the VFW Way

Doing for others from a heart to serve can encourage others

The motto of the Veterans of Foreign Wars is “No one does more for Veterans.” Therefore, no one in your Post should feel neglected. Take a look around your Post and identify those who may have been forgotten. 

Maybe it is the elderly, homeless or those from another country. Find out the reason why they have been neglected and what their needs are. Ask what you can do to help.

Maybe you are reluctant to help because caring for others does not come naturally. Perhaps you find people with alcohol or drug problems hard to love.  

Do you find the idea of helping others to be downright overwhelming? Do you really want to help but have no idea where to start or exactly how to offer your help?

First and foremost, ask God for help. Go to your Post Leaders for support. Involve others. Organize a task force to help those who have been neglected.  

In the Bible, we find many examples of compassion toward those less fortunate.  Follow their example and turn to God for compassion, help, strength and guidance.  

Doing for others from a heart to serve and not mere duty will encourage those you are reaching out to.

What is one way you could extend a helping hand to the neglected this week?


This article is courtesy of VFW National Chaplain Jim Jenkins, and is featured in the March/April 2020 issue of VFW Checkpoint. If you're a Post, District or Department Commander and aren't receiving the Checkpoint e-newsletter, please contact the VFW magazine at