VFW Remembers the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

'The honorable Dr. King fought tirelessly for the dream of diversity, equality and inclusion to become a reality'

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) honors the significant legacy and noteworthy accomplishments of civil rights pioneer Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Over the course of the past several months, our nation has really been challenged with issues of racial injustice and prejudice that has tested us as a people,” said VFW National Commander Harold “Hal” Roesch II. “The honorable Dr. King fought tirelessly for the dream of diversity, equality and inclusion to become a reality. Sadly, that fight resulted in his tragic assassination. 

“While we remember Dr. King’s tremendous legacy today and celebrate his birth, I encourage us all to do what he would so desperately beg us to do right now – cease the divisive rhetoric and join together as a united body of people,” Roesch concluded.

Dr. King’s birthday serves as a day of service, not a day off. As we salute Dr. King today, the VFW encourages its members, Auxiliary, supporters and all Americans to honor his legacy through volunteerism in our communities across our great nation.

“Let’s use this day to come together to help a fellow veteran, service member, family or neighbor who may need it most during this time of isolation, economic hardship and a very difficult health crisis,” said Roesch. “We can definitely make a huge difference through service – something our dedicated members and Auxiliary continue to do across the globe exceptionally well.”