Veteran Helps Others Feel Whole after Service

Veteran Zachary Bursnall is #StillServing to show other veterans how to fill the hole leaving the military can cause

In 2022, Zachary Bursnall, of Golden, Colorado, received service dog Zip. He’s been #StillServing ever since. As commander of the Golden VFW Post 4171, and with Zip by his side, Bursnall attends memorial services, walks in parades, advocates for veterans wanting to get a service dog and more.

And everywhere they go, Zip is assisting Bursnall — even by handing out flowers at the Post’s Buddy Poppy fundraisers!

“I’m #StillServing to educate other veterans on how joining the VFW and having a service dog can help fill the hole many veterans feel after leaving the military,” Bursnall said.

This story is shared in honor of September, Service Dog Awareness Month. Across the country and around the world, America’s veterans continue to serve — often with the support of a canine companion. If you're a veteran who has a story about how your dog helps you show up for your #StillServing commitment, we want to hear it!