VFW Expresses Support for Free Speech, Not Violence on College Campuses

The following is a message from VFW National Commander Duane Sarmiento

WASHINGTON — “The first amendment of the Constitution grants the rights of freedom of speech and of the people peacefully to assemble, the same rights members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) swore an oath to support and defend. We also support the rule of law in our country and those working to uphold it. Without them, segments of our population would have their rights infringed upon. While those staging protests on college campuses across the country have the right to free speech and to peaceful assembly, they do not have the right to violently act out against others. We are confident law enforcement will restore safety and security for all those impacted by the abject lawlessness over this past week.”




About the VFW: The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. is the nation's largest and oldest major war veterans organization. Founded in 1899, the congressionally chartered VFW is comprised entirely of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces. With more than 1.4 million VFW and Auxiliary members located in nearly 6,000 Posts worldwide, the nonprofit veterans service organization is proud to proclaim “NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS” than the VFW, which is dedicated to veterans’ service, legislative advocacy, and military and community service programs. For more information, or to join, visit our website at vfw.org