Frequently Asked Questions

  • Address Change

    Are you moving? Have we been sending your magazine to the wrong address? You can request a change of address by emailing us with the below information:

    Your old address
    Your new address
    Your Post number


    If submitting a change of address via regular mail, please clip and enclose your present address as printed on a recent copy of VFW magazine as well as your new address to: 

    Member Service Center
    406 W. 34th St.
    Kansas City, MO 64111

  • Writer's Guidelines

    Do you want to write a feature article?
    Do you have a story idea for our staff members?

    Download the VFW magazine's Writer's Guidelines.

  • VFW In Action Submission

    Did your Post do something great?
    Did VFW members contribute to your community?
    Is there a VFW memorial in your hometown?

    Download the VFW In Action Guidelines (updated file coming soon).

  • Mail Call - Letter to the Editor Submission

    While the staff at VFW magazine appreciates all the feedback we get, there is simply not enough room in Mail Call each month to publish all letters to the editor. Please note that VFW magazine only publishes letters to the editor that are 100 words or less and pertain to the previous month's editorial content. If you would like to submit a letter, email is preferred.
  • Subscriptions

    There are two ways to receive the VFW magazine. Find out more here.
  • Advertising

    GLM Communications oversees adverising for VFW magazine. View rates and more information.
  • Reunion and Claims Listings

    To publicize your reunion or submit a form for a VA claim substantiation request, please email the VFW magazine at, or write us at:

    VFW Magazine
    Attn: Reunions and Claims
    406 W. 34th St.
    Kansas City, MO 64111

    Reunion listings must be submitted four months in advance of reunion date. Proposed reunions will be listed only when space is available. This is a free service to VFW members only.

    Readers are urged to help veterans seeking claim substantiation statements, and should respond directly to the person listed at the end of the claim assistance request. This service is provided for VFW members who are in the process of filing a VA claim.

    If you need assistance in preparing a claim, contact your VFW Service Officer located at VA medical centers and regional offices.

  • Book Corner Submission

    Did you write a book?
    Do you want to promote someone else's book?

    Download the Book Corner Guidelines.   

  • Poetry Policy

    Unfortunately, we do not accept poetry submissions for publication in the magazine. This is a long-standing policy.

  • Jokes and Cartoons Submission

    I've got a great joke that I would love to see printed in VFW magazine. Where do I send it?

    We collect jokes and include them in our "Jest-a-Minute" section. It appears infrequently and only as space is available. If you have a joke you'd like to share, please email it to Janie Dyhouse. Be sure to include a note that it is for use in "Jest-a-Minute."

  • Blind-Print Disabled Assistance

    To receive VFW magazine on CD for legally blind members, please contact the magazine


